Hi, lovely to Meet you
I'm cecilia
My husband and I are currently living in Germany. We were living near Austin, Texas and we jumped at the opportunity to move here for a few years, even if it meant abandoning my corporate job of over 15 years! I’m documenting our life abroad and our travels.
latest on the blog…
Hello friends!Today we’re jumping back to January 2023 and finishing the month in my 9x12 Project Life album. In the first part of January, my brother, my dad, and my niece were visiting, we went to Paris and I dropped them off at the airport. If you need a refresher (it has been a while!), you can click check out the January 2023 Part 1 blog post where you will find the info and the process video. In this part of January, we were going back to a more normal routine for us. I printed mos[...]