Hello there! I am switching over to a new web host so if you see broken images, I will be updating those in the next week or so. The recap from our trip is a little long so I’m adding some links here in case you just want to jump[...]
Hello there! I am switching over to a new web host so if you see broken images, I will be updating those in the next week or so. The recap from our trip is a little long so I’m adding some links here in case you just want to jump[...]
Hello friend! We made it back from our trip to the Austin area. We visited my husband's family and met up with some friends, got to spend time with our friends' adorable dogs, had delicious food, and did a bit of shopping! Th[...]
Hi friends! Today I'm coming to you from Texas. We came to visit family and friends and will be heading back to Germany this weekend. It has been a really good trip overall and I can't believe how quickly it's coming to an end. In[...]
Hello there! This year is just zooming by.. I can't believe we're already more than a week into March! And here I am posting about January. There will be one more January spread that I will share hopefully next week, then[...]
Hello there! It's been a minute... or like a year and a half. Where have I been? Well, I had posted a couple of YouTube videos before going dark over here. After that, I had still been scrapbooking a little bit but didn't rec[...]
Hello friends! I hope you're all doing well. Back in April, we were still very much home almost all the time (my husband worked and still works in an office so he had to go in). This Project Life spread includes foods we ate during[...]