Hi friends! We have a new change happening around these parts: I'm going to be switching over to one layout per video/blog post. The main reason being that I would like to experiment more and when I'm doing 2 or more spreads, I ten[...]
Hi friends! We have a new change happening around these parts: I'm going to be switching over to one layout per video/blog post. The main reason being that I would like to experiment more and when I'm doing 2 or more spreads, I ten[...]
Hi friends! My apologies for this unscheduled break; I meant to be back sooner but life and technology happened. For the latter part, I had recorded 3 videos with my Road ID on (it's a tag that attaches to your Apple Watch and it i[...]
Hi friends, I hope this blog entry find you well :) I wanted to rewind back to happier times this week, so I put together the process video for the first half of April 2019. For our wedding anniversary last year, my husband book[...]
Hi friends! This week's process video is for March of 2020: the month where things went awry. It started out normal enough, eh? For this month's pages, I started with jotting down notes about photos and things that happened during[...]
Hi friends, This post is a little later than I would've liked, but there was a little hiccup.. I was editing the video, getting ready to do the voiceovers, when I realized that I simply was not jiving with the second spread. I had[...]
Hello! I can't believe it's May already.. it's getting easier to get back in the swing of things in respect to this blog and the YouTube channel. It really helps my sanity to have a schedule; it's been really easy to just hang out and[...]