I gotta admit: it was rough trying to work on last year's Project Life at the beginning of the quarantine season. My husband and I were making plans to travel in April and May back in January/February; we bought tickets to see The Kil[...]
I gotta admit: it was rough trying to work on last year's Project Life at the beginning of the quarantine season. My husband and I were making plans to travel in April and May back in January/February; we bought tickets to see The Kil[...]
It's hard to believe that we're more than half way through April, and I just recently started my 2020 Project Life. For those of you who aren't familiar with Project Life, it is a pocket scrapbooking system created by Becky Higgings.[...]
Hello! I'm so glad to finally be wrapping up February.. I'm WAY behind on my Project Life, and since I'm going home to Toronto in December, I was hoping to be almost be caught up by then, but it's not looking likely at this point. I'l[...]
Hi all... this trip takes us to the end of February (finally!) and some of the details have been forgotten, but I'll do my best. In January, my husband and I decided to give Lufthansa Surprise a try as he had a week off work c[...]
Hello! Long time no see ;) I can't believe it's been more than 4 months since I've posted a progress video; time has seriously flown by. I filmed this back in April and only edited it last week. The reason I didn't edit earlier was be[...]
Back in February, my mom and I took a girls' trip to Valencia the day after my husband, mom, and I got back from Paris. Paris had been quite the crazy busy trip for us with all the sightseeing and walking around; each day was packed w[...]